World Teachers' Day Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners!

Minister’s Arts Education Awards

These awards reflect an ongoing commitment by the state government to recognise, celebrate and reward the work of outstanding teachers of the Arts. The Minister’s Awards provide scholarships of $8,000 each to undertake professional learning that would not otherwise be possible. These Awards are really making a difference to the lives of Arts educators and their learners.

Minister’s Arts Public Primary Educator Award 2024

Mandy Herbert – Littlehampton Primary School

Mandy will use her award to attend the National Visual Arts Conference as well as attending a five day Kakadu Women’s Weaving Workshops with Aboriginal Weavers. She is also going to undertake an Ipad Art course with the Adelaide Central School of Arts. All of these experiences are designed to help her grow her craft as a teacher of Art.

Ministers Arts Non-Government Primary Educator Award 2024

Tiffany Okazaki – All Saints Catholic Primary School

Tiffany will use her award to attend courses to gain a Certificate in Art Therapy,  workshops in Circle Painting and will attend the Zart Art Conference in 2025. All of these experiences have been carefully selected to support her in her educational objectives to create safe learning environments and to enhance student wellbeing.

Minister’s Arts Public Secondary Educator Award 2024

Noeleen Curran – Valley View Secondary School

To deepen her global perspectives on Art, Noeleen will use her award to attend the International Society for Education Through Art Conference. This will provide an amazing networking opportunity to gain insights into current trends, challenges and innovations in the field worldwide.

Ministers Arts Non-Government Secondary Educator Award 2024

Zoe Tidemann – Pembroke School

As part of her award, Zoe will be returning to London where she worked with the National Theatre. This time she will be looking to attend the Frantic Assembly International Summer School and participate in a range of masterclasses with artists and theatre directors.

Ministers Arts Early Career Educator Award 2024

Brittany Neeb – Kildare College

Brittany will be using her award to develop a relationship with two key leaders at UniSA to develop the jewellery and metal learning programme at Kildare. She will also be travelling to New York to explore art resources and participate in classes at the Jewellery Design institute.

Ministers Arts Preschool Award 2024

Lantana Kindergarten 

Lantana will be continuing their journey with an artist in residence to create totem poles in their outdoor learning environment. They will also be continuing their regular powerful engagement with the Art Gallery to engage and energise their young learners as Artists. They are also pursuing an Intergenerational art exploration with a local nursing home. Well done Lantana team!

Minister’s Language Immersion Scholarships

To support languages teachers in SA, the Minister has made available five immersion scholarships. They provide $8,000 to the winners to improve their language skills through an immersion course in another country or within Australia. Improving their language skills will have a direct benefit on their students.

Ministers Language Immersion Scholarship Public School Educator 2024

Mitchell Neeb – Aldinga Payinthi College

Mitchell intends to travel to Dusseldorf in Germany to take part in a three week intensive in the Go-ta Institute. He also intends to observe lessons at a school in Germany and is really excited by the powerful impact this immersion experience will have on his current understandings of the cultural practices of Germany today.


Ministers Language Immersion Scholarship Catholic School Educator 2024

Adriana Luppino- St Michael’s College

Adriana is using the scholarship for an intensive Italian language course at the Leonardo Da Vinci School in Florence. She is looking forward to the positive impact connecting with native speakers will have on her fluency and cultural insights.


Ministers Language Immersion Scholarship Independent School Educator 2024

Ashleigh Parker – Tatachilla Lutheran College

Through this award Ashleigh will be undertaking  the Japanese Language and Culture Course in Japan. She is also taking advantage of a Homestay experience to boost her confidence and fluency. She will also be undertaking excursions with the local prefecture.


Ministers Language Immersion Scholarship Non-Government Early Career Educator 2024

Sarah Bragg – Westminster School

Sarah is seeking to re-energise her language proficiency travelling to Germany to stay with a host family where she will be attending private lessons as part of the achievement of a proficiency Certificate. She is excited by how this is going to enhance her capacity to teach complex language concepts to her learners.


Ministers Language Immersion Scholarship Public Early Career Educator 2024

Rebecca Wundke – Blyth Primary School

As part of her Award Rebecca will be travelling to Japan to attend the Okayama Institute of Languages. This course encompasses all components of the Japanese language such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. She will also be residing with a Japanese family to allow for maximum cultural and language exposure.

University Awards

These awards recognise an outstanding preservice educator who has actively engaged with a professional association to develop networks and to contribute to the ongoing professional learning and development of their peers. We acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of pre-service students from Tabor College, Flinders University, University of South Australia and The University of Adelaide.
Presented by Associate Prof. Tracey Price, Tabor College, Prof. Pablo Munguia, Flinders University, Prof. Susan James Relly, Adelaide University and Prof. Shane Dawson, University of South Australia.

The Winners for the 2024 University Awards are…

Tabor College Outstanding Graduate Award 2024

Stephanie Mitchell – Tabor College

This award is made to Stephanie in recognition of both their character and academic excellence which was consistently evidenced throughout their course by an exceptional attitude and integrity in theoretical preparation and professional experience.


The Flinders University Outstanding Graduate Award 2024

Gemma Paxinos – Flinders University

Gemma has been recognised for her unwavering commitment to her studies, her work ethic, adaptability, and ability to connect with children. She is a passionate early years educator who received outstanding recommendations at her two placements at Hackham West Community Centre and at McLaren Flat PS. Her professionalism, engagement as a leader and as an advocate within the University sees her recognised tonight as an outstanding Graduate.


The University of Adelaide Outstanding Graduate Award 2024

Nidhi Sharma – University of Adelaide

Nidhi was an exceptional student of the School of Education, completing her studies with a double Major of Business, and English as an Additional Language and Dialect. Her academic performance and her achievements on Placement were exceptional, achieving the highest possible scores across the board. Nidhi has secured gainful employment at Christian Brothers’ College, where she has clinched a permanent position and is serving students through her excellent teaching in her subject areas and also in Religious Education. Nidhi is an active member of SAETA and promises to contribute positively to the profession for many years to come.


The University of South Australia Outstanding Graduate Award 2024

Roxanne Simpson – Uni SA

Roxanne has shown herself to be a truly outstanding student in all aspects of university life. Her positivity and passion for learning and exploring ideas has been exceptional. She has also established herself as an important member of the professional association community through her work with HaSS Association Australia. She has been instrumental in establishing and progressing HaSS in the support of pre-service and early career educators.

World Education Forum Awards

The World Education Forum (WEF) began in South Australia in 1937 titled the New Education Fellowship and the group initiated a review of SA Education in the War Years of the early 1940’s and from that point on had a strong impact on South Australian Education. WEF in South Australia was part of an international body with a Guiding Committee in London and sections in numerous other countries.
Going into recess in 2012 WEF SA’s financial resources were put into a trust to award annual grants to worthy educators who have been nominated by their peers and who, through their professional work and association involvement, have exemplified the Aims and Values of WEF.
Presented by Prof Martin Westwell Chief Executive, Department for Education and Gwendolyn Morphett from the World Education Forum.

The Winners for the 2024 WEF Awards are…

Outstanding Contribution to Intercultural and Global Understandings Award 2024

Jasmine Sotiroulis – SA HALT Network

Jasmine is a passionate advocate for the role that languages play in developing intercultural and global understandings. As a teacher of French, Spanish and Greek in her regional centre of Renmark she drives and excites her learners and her community to engage in the larger world around them.  As President of SAFTA, the French teachers associations she also challenges, supports and nurtures processes which encourage everyone to see themselves as global citizens.

Educators SA State Awards

These awards are nominated by associations and are available to any educator who meets the criteria.  Nominations are called for and a panel selects state finalists and the winner for each award.
This year we had high quality fields in every category and it was difficult to determine one winner from amongst many deserving educators.
We would like to acknowledge all of the individual and association finalists for the State awards.
Presented by Prof Martin Westwell Chief Executive, Department for Education, Karen Beard, Credit Union SA, Andrew Goodhand, Calm Wealth, Malcolm McInerney, Educators SA Board, Liz Sandercock, Educators SA Board and Leonie Paulson, Teachers Registration Board.

Click here to view the State Award Finalists

Alison I’Amafana
Alison Robertson
Angela Cash
Ashleigh Grieger
Belinda Parr
Colleen O’Rourke
David Larritt
Jasmine Sotiroulis
Jason Greenslade
Joan Gilbert
Kodály SA
Lis Chapman
Lottie Smith
Natasha Dunn
Nature Play SA
Ruby Harris
SA HALT Network
Sarah Todd
Shelby Baker (Wen Deng)
Sofie Arhontoulis
Stephanie Morbidelli

The Winners for the 2024 State Awards are…

Credit Union SA Early Career Educator of the Year Award 2024

Lottie Smith – Australian Association of Teachers of the Deaf (SA)

In her first year as a teacher, Lottie has exhibited extraordinary dedication and initiative. Her unwavering determination to deliver high quality, inclusive education to some of the most vulnerable students is a testament to both her commitment and her boundless enthusiasm for the field. On top of her day job, she has also influenced others through her work on national consultative curriculum groups and through her work within the Australian Association for Teachers of the Deaf SA.


Educators SA Innovative Educator of the Year Award 2024

Colleen O’Rourke – EdTech SA

Colleen has championed the integration of environmental consciousness and digital technologies and has spearheaded the creation of the Rivermont Precint – an innovative learning centre of nature space where dynamic curriculum can come alive. She has also helped to reshape curriculum statewide and has initiated collaborations with experts to develop the River Restoration VR Project. On top of all this she has contributed extensively to the EdTechSA learning programme and to this community.


Teachers Registration Board Early Career Mentor of the Year 2024

Stephanie Morbidelli – HaSS Association Australia

In only her fourth year of teaching herself, Stephanie has immersed herself in the running of HaSS Association Australia, taking responsibility in particular for the running and development of programs for early career educators. She has shown herself to be an impressive leader who has been able to support, motivate and encourage other early career educators in their journey.


Outstanding Contribution to Regional Educators 2024

SA Science Teachers Association

SASTA have strategically designed a multi-layered programme designed to entice and support all regional educators of Science to be and become the best they can be. They have used online learning communities, virtual workshops, webinars, Regional Conferences, Country Incentives, Regional leadership representation and a Flinders Ranges Teacher Scholarship. These strategies have combined to provide a much needed support network for our regional colleagues.


Calm Wealth Outstanding Contributor to the Educator Profession 2024

Alison Robertson – SA English Teachers Association

Alison has been an active contributor and leader within SAETA, the English Teachers Associations for 37 years. Her expertise in curriculum development has been sought at both a state and national level and she has facilitated countless hours of professional learning, debate and support.  She has mentored hundreds of English teachers and produced a large repertoire of resources. She has been a passionate advocate and ambassador for the learning and teaching of English.


Innovative Association of the Year Award 2024

SA German Teachers Association (SAGTA)

SAGTA has collaborated with other Associations to develop innovative professional learning opportunities for the languages community that are showing clear evidence of learner impact. They have also developed an excursion Guide for German teachers that links to First Nations Peoples and Cultures,  and contributed to a broad range of SA community initiatives. Congratulations SAGTA

Click here to view the Innovative Association of the Year Award Finalists

Our finalists this year are:

  • Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association, South Australian Branch
  • Early Childhood Australia South Australia
  • Home Economics Institute of Australia SA
  • Kodály SA
  • Language Teachers SA (MLTASA)
  • Nature Play SA
  • SA French Teachers Association
  • SA HALT Network
  • South Australian German Teachers Association
  • Spanish Teachers Association of South Australia
  • Visual Arts Educators SA