SA HALT Network

The SA HALT Network (formerly known as the Lead Teacher Association South Australia Inc..) was established in 2011 for teacher leaders and aspirants in all sectors of education in South Australia.

This is a network for all Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALTS) , aspiring HALTs, leaders, Assessors and HALT alumni holding teacher registration across any education sector in any South Australia. The network provides professional learning enabling teachers to achieve their potential as exemplary educators.

The network aims to advance the expertise and professionalism of educators in South Australia by:

  • Providing opportunities for HALTs, aspiring HALTS, HALT alumni, assessors and leaders to advance expertise in the classroom
  • Providing training and support for members to enable them to lead from the classroom
  • Providing training and support for leaders to enable them to support expert practitioners in the school, pre-school and beyond
  • Providing opportunities for members and associate members to join together to learn, innovate and develop shared understandings of the value of HALTs in schools and pre-schools

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the National Certification for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers, offer a real opportunity to improve the status of the teaching profession by recognising the skills and qualities of exemplary teachers. The SA HALT Network is a professional and valuable resource for all teachers from all sectors of education in South Australia.

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