Trainer Bios

Alan Williams

RRHAN-EC Trainer & CSE Trainer
Alan Williams has worked in child protection for 25 years. Alan has been training mandated notifiers for more than a decade.

Bruno Timpani

RRHAN-EC Trainer & CSE Trainer
Bruno has been facilitating Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect training, and Safe Environments for Children and Young People training since 2006.

Christie Sellmann

RRHAN-EC Trainer
Christie is an Early Childhood Teacher. She has been facilitating training for over 18 years and bought authenticity to workshops and professional development packages.

Daniel Bayer

First Aid Trainer
Daniel Bayer is a registered teacher with over 30 years’ experience training teachers to deliver
CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation 009)
BELs (Provide basic emergency life support 010)
Provide first aid 011
Provide an emergency first aid response in an education & care setting 012

Jane Woodward

RRHAN-EC Trainer & CSE Trainer
With over 30 years of experience educating children of all ages. She has been delivering Child Safe Environments and Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect training for over 5 years.

Kerry Hugo

RRHAN-EC Trainer & CSE Trainer
Kerry is an educator with a diverse range of experience. Most recently Kerry has maintained a focus as a RRHAN training and Child Safe Environments training facilitator with Educators SA.

Kym Brown

RRHAN-EC Trainer
Kym worked in the SA Public Education system for nearly four decades before retiring at the end of 2013. He now works part-time as a consultant for Educators SA and delivers training in RRHAN.

Mark Dickens

Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainer
Mark Dickens has over 25 years of experience in pastoral care and counselling. Qualified trainer in Youth Mental Health.

Linda White

RRHAN-EC Trainer, CSE Trainer & Mental Health Responder Trainer
Linda is a qualified counsellor, chaplain, workplace consultant and trainer, with 25 years of experience in these roles.

Sally Lemar

CSE Trainer
Sally spent her career working as a Junior Primary teacher, Deputy Principal & Principal. Sally does Liaison work with pre-service teachers on placement through Flinders Uni and as a CSE trainer for Educators SA.