Child Safe Environments Refresher Training

Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect Training

Child Safe Environments Refresher Training Details

Course type – online
Cost – $45.00
Prerequisite – Child Safe Environments full-day training

Who needs to do this training?

Attendees that have completed the Child Safe full-day training and their certificate has not yet expired.

If you or your organisation interact or provide an environment that children access, then you should do this training. The Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 requires certain organisations to provide a child safe environment.

You must provide child safe environments if you are a state authority or if your organisation provides services wholly or partly for children (under 18 years old) in one or more of these categories:

  • health
  • welfare
  • education
  • disability
  • sporting or recreational
  • religious or spiritual
  • childcare or residential
  • cultural
  • entertainment or parties

What is it about?

A child safe environment is a safe and friendly setting where children feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
Children and young people have a right to be safe and protected at all times, including when accessing services in the community. Organisations providing child safe environments:

  • take a preventative, proactive and participatory stance on child protection issues
  • value and embrace the opinions and views of children and young people
  • assist children and young people to build skills that will assist them to participate in society
  • are focused on the protection of children and young people and take action to protect them from harm
  • provide parents, guardians or carers with evidence of their child safe environments policies and procedures when requested.


What’s in the course?

  • Child protection in context
  • Through their eyes: values and attitudes
  • Risk and harm: South Australian legislation
  • Risk and harm: abuse related trauma
  • Sexual abuse
  • Through their eyes: disclosure
  • Child safe environments in organisations
  • Reporting suspicion of risk and harm

Please note — This is not the same course as the Responding to Risks of Harm Abuse and Neglect Training which is essential for all teachers and staff working with children and young people on the Department for Education sites.


Further Information and Support

For further information about child safe environments and obligations, please visit the Department of Human Services website . Alternatively, you can contact the Department of Human Services Child Safe Environments team by phoning (08) 8463 6468 or emailing

If you have any questions about the next training date or bookings please contact the Educators SA office —

Interested in doing training for your staff at your site? Let us come to you! Please contact our office: 8463 5875 or write an email: