World Teachers' Day
Wow! So many amazing SA educators in one room!
As the SA State event for World Teachers Day, the Educators SA Awards ceremony saw more than 300 invited guests celebrate with 66 awardees who were honoured for their excellence and their service.
Sixty six outstanding educators from all sectors and all aspects of education, who are changing the learning lives of children, young people and adults on a daily basis.
A very special thank you to Blair Boyer, Minister for Education, Training and Skills and Martin Westwell, Chief Executive Department for Education for joining us onstage to present to our very worthy award recipients.
Check out the info below and see if you are lucky enough to be engaging with one of these amazing educators.
Our “hats are off’ to all Educators in South Australia for what they do, every day to create a positive future for our State!
Get involved and celebrate the educators in your world!
Click here to view the Association Award Winners! Click here to view the Statewide Award Winners!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Check out the photos of the night below!