Year Long — Professional Learning Programme — PMA


Check out our new “PMA MathsSA PL OnDemand” service

PMA is pleased to announce our PL on Demand service! Any member can request any of our sessions to be offered anytime!

Choose on of our learning questions OR suggest one of your own. These will be offered via Zoom and delivered at a time negotiated with you (only consideration is there needs to be time allowed to advertise it to our wider MathsSA community)

Charges for all zoom sessions are $ 35.00 + GST per person –  you could also choose to use your PMA PL Free place – one per term.

Just email to get your session organised.



Exploring Learning Design

  • What now? After the impact of home learning, how do we craft the most powerful learning sequence within the time available?

  • Why “regularity of experience” matters – we don’t teach reading only in term one! How we make it happen in mathematics…

  • How can we use children’s books to provoke mathematics learning?

  • What are the best sources of investigations and challenges to use in the learning setting?

Building our conceptual knowledge in mathematics

  • What are the key learning points in Measurement?

  • What are the key learning points in Data

  • What are the key learning points in Geometry

Building Number Sense

  • How do we build a powerful learning sequence in Number?

  • How do we help children develop their number sense?

  • What are the key steps in teaching Calculating?

  • What are the key steps in building a powerful understanding of the Base Ten system?

  • Recalling Facts – what does it mean? How do we help children build their fluency?

Exploring the Proficiencies

  • How do we build the reasoning skills of our learners?

  • What does a child need to be a powerful problem solver in mathematics?

Maths and Play

  • How do we create a playful learning environment in mathematics in the Early Years?

  • How do we create a playful learning environment  in mathematics in Year 3-7?


Exploring Learning Design

  • How can we mathematise our learning environment?

  • How can we intentionally teach mathematics and numeracy?

  • How can we develop powerful provocations for mathematical play and numeracy play?

  • How do I ensure a balance across all the aspects of the Indicators and Learning Processes?

Building our conceptual knowledge in mathematics

  • What are the key learning points for young children in each of the Indicators and Learning Processes

Building Number Sense with and for preschool learners?

  • How do we build a powerful learning sequence in Number for preschool learners?

  • What number learning matters for me at Preschool?