Literacy and Numeracy Forum 2018
On Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of August more than 300 “edupreneurs” will gather at the EducatorsSA Numeracy and Literacy Forum 2018 to hear about and consider the latest teaching and leadership practices and learning successes taking place in schools. The Forum will be opened by Minister for Education the Honourable John Gardner, who will be followed by Eddie Woo, Australia’s Local Hero 2018, as the first Keynote speaker. Eddie inspires everyone with his passion for mathematics.
Educators SA is a peak body representing 60 professional associations and 15 000 educators. Educators SA President, Lisa-Jane O’Connor said that the forum provides an opportunity for innovative educators to show off their “game changing” practices in numeracy and literacy. The Forum offers two Keynote addresses followed up by 60 different sessions in which educators will engage with key topics such as phonics, dyslexia, writing, student agency and engaging learners in Mathematics. Misty Adoniou will address 200 educators on the second day of the Forum. She will focus on the importance of reading and writing in literacy improvement and innovation.
As you know achieving improvement and innovation in literacy and numeracy is a focus of political and educational leaders across the state said Lisa-Jane O’Connor, stressing the importance of professional learning in these improvement and innovation processes. “The children of SA are entitled to be and become powerful learners with the English and Mathematics curriculum of the 2020’s. To make this happen our leading edupreneurs need the space and time to explore and collaborate together so that they can partner with parents to ensure that every child in SA has the best possible numeracy and literacy learning experiences possible in the years to come.” The 2018 Literacy and Numeracy Forum is the biggest event of its kind in this state.