Celebration of Educators 2020 at the Adelaide Zoo

What a year it has been! We felt that educators and all those who support educators deserved to be recognised and celebrated. And with the lifted COVID restrictions this was finally possible: On Monday more than 140 guests came together at the Adelaide Zoo for the “Celebration of Educators 2020”. While the World Teachers’ Day Awards Night had to be cancelled in October, Educators SA, the Minister along with the Shadow Minister, senior leaders from across the education, and sponsors used the opportunity to congratulate the winners during this event and to celebrate the profession.
“It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t simple – there were times when there was much tension, debate, frustration, distress and more…but together you did it. Together as a team of “front line” educators you have shown courage and commitment and assumed your professional responsibility to serve our young people and their communities and you should feel very proud of all you have achieved in 2020”, said Lisa-Jane O’Connor, president of Educators SA, in her speech.
Minister John Gardner pointed out: “EdSA and its member associations ensure that we live our mission of every child every classroom every school and every suburb to be supported to their full potential – even in a pandemic. That is something you can all be very proud of.” Chief Executive Rick Persse said: “You brought certainty to communities that were deeply uncertain, you always put learners first, you stayed focused yet flexible, and you showed resilience and adaptability.”
The event was the kick-off for a campaign Educators SA will be running in 2021, the “Year of Associating Professionally”.